Plague Control: Hass Avocado treatment suggestion for False Measuring Worm and Web Worm pests

Plague Control: Hass Avocado treatment suggestion for False Measuring Worm and Web Worm pests


BIOLOGICAL OBJECTIVE: Eradicate quarantine plague of cobweb worm (Amorbia emigratella) and false meter worm (Trichoplusia ni) in Hass Avocado cultivation.

  1. OBJECTIVE: Establish a treatment in Hass avocado cultivation to evaluate the effect of the insecticide MIZAR in controlling the pests of avocado cultivation worms.

Trichoplusia is not only a harmful pest for crucifers, their favorite host, but it can also be observed in crops such as tomatoes, peppers, avocados, some cucurbits, soybeans, sesame and cotton. One of the reasons why this pest can be serious is that the moth is capable of spreading widely, reaching distances of up to 200 km.

Adults can deposit up to 300 eggs on the margins of the underside of the leaves of the apical part of the plants. The eggs are spherical in shape, with the flattened part attached to the leaf and their color is yellowish-white or greenish. The larvae emerge after 3 or 4 days. Because they only have legs on the front and back of the body, they move in a characteristic way, stooping as they go. It takes 15 to 20 days to pass through 5 instars, changing from a yellowish green to a light green color with a white band on both sides of the body. Pupation takes place in spunbond cocoons, often on the underside of host plants. The pupae are green in color, which then changes to brownish-brown as the adult emerges. Lastly, adults are mottled grayish-brown with a silver-eight pattern on the front wings. Adults can survive 10 to 12 days.

Symptoms and damage: The worms feed mainly on the leaves causing irregular holes. The first three instars create smaller orifices, while the next stages feed on the tissue between the nerves, leaving behind skeleton-like leaves. They have a voracious appetite and can consume up to three times their body weight each day. Plants can lose their leaves and stunt.

  1. LOCATION OF THE DEMONSTRATIVE UNIT: The orchard is located in an undetermined area of ​​Nepal.
  2. TREATMENT AREA: The numbers suggested here are to be used for the treatment of 1 hectare of avocado orchard.
  3. SUGGESTED TREATMENT: It is recommended to use “MIZAR” (MEZFER) or equivalent. It is an insecticide that regulates the growth of insects, acts against lepidopteran larvae, is not systemic, has activity by ingestion.

AVAILABLE PRESENTATIONS: 250 ml | 400 ml | 1 L

ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Methoxyfenozide

RECOMENDED FOR: Avocado, Corn, Cotton, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout

More Info? please download here the Invertebral suggestion for control the “False measuring worm” avocado pest

Source: MIZAR MESFER México and Koppert México.

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