Publica APEAJAL requisitos para exportar Aguacate de Jalisco a USA
La Asociación de Productores Exportadores de Aguacate de Jalisco (APEAJAL) publicó hoy las reglas de operación para que los productores de 15 municipios declarados como libres de plagas de interés cuarenterario, puedan exportar su fruta y competir para ganar mercado en los Estados Unidos. Todo parece indicar que los meses...
Avocado will be the best-selling fruit in 2030, predicts the OECD – FAO
About the international Avocado global forecast report inside the OECD-FAO Agricultural Report 2021-2030 are mentioned in the 11.3.6. Chapter named “Avocado Market situation” (Page 235) Preliminary data suggest that global exports of avocado declined slightly in 2020, by 0.8% compared to 2019, at a total quantity of approximately 2.3 Mt....
وصل مصنع الأفوكادو المكسيكي لدينا إلى الكويت
بفضل TEESA Mexico ، وصلت شحنتنا المكونة من خمس منصات نقالة هذا الأسبوع إلى مطار الكويت الدولي. لأول مرة ، تمكنت شركتنا من تصدير مصنع هاس الأفوكادو المطعمة إلى هذه الوجهة في الشرق الأوسط ، وتمكنت من تصدير تشكيلة هاس فلور دي ماريا واختيار هاس مينديز لمزارع الأفوكادو المكسيكية الجديدة...
Mexican Blueberries don´t seriously injure the US Industry: USITC
INCREASED IMPORTS OF FRESH, CHILLED, OR FROZEN BLUEBERRIES DO NOT SERIOUSLY INJURE U.S. INDUSTRY, USITC DETERMINES The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that fresh, chilled, or frozen blueberries are not being imported into the United States in such increased quantities as to be a substantial cause of serious...
Mexican Blueberries seedlings goes to Bombay India
Invertebral Mexico completed another successful shipment of certified blueberry plant to India. The shipment of more than 5,000 units was successful and had a transit time of 3 days traveling from the international airport of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The plant is of the Biloxi variety and was cultivated by means of...
Mexican Avocado Pattern Creole Seed
Mexican certified Avocado Pattern seed. The Mexican Creole standard seed is excellent for growing rootstock seedlings. Currently more than 90 percent of the new avocado plantations in Mexico were developed from this seed. Considered by many as the most resistant to cold and with the capacity to support up to...
Nepal – Avocado Seed for Nursery business
Since 2018, the lower area of the Himalayas is a potential area for the plantation of the Hass avocado of Mexican origin. For more than two years, our company has been exporting master seed, seedling and grafted plant of the Mexican breed of avocado improved for new plantations. Until 2020...