Our Mexican Avocado now in the northern Germany markets
For the third consecutive week, our avocado grown in the state of Michoacán, Mexico is arriving at the port of Bremerhaven for distribution in the European market. More than 20 tons of fresh product are exported each week with the post-harvest care due to comply with the shelf life. Thank...
Caribbean – Mexican Bean bulk export project
A logistical challenge overcame the marketing of thousands of tons of Mexican beans (Yellow Peruvian Bean – Azufrado Higuera) to a Caribbean country. It was a logistical challenge for our company to move this enormous amount of product packed in 30Kg bags from the cities of Culiacan, Los Mochis and...
Jebel Ali – UEA (Dubai) Mexican Avocado exports powered by OOCL®
At Invertebral Mexico we had the opportunity to launch the new line of Daikin Active® maritime refrigerated containers, owned by the OCCL shipping company. The technology of these 40″ft reffer container (refrigerated maritime cargo equipment) is active and its technology for the conservation of fresh product is surprising. Because the...